One to One Mentoring

One-to-One Big and Little Mentoring
The One-to-One mentoring program provides youth 6 to 16 years old with a with a role model to talk to and share the experiences of growing up with. Through regular outings, a relationship is developed between the mentor and the mentee, which is built on trust and common interests, and is supported by our experienced case-workers. The result is a life-changing experience for both the mentor and the mentee.
The One-to-One mentoring program usually requires two regularly scheduled outings a month of a few hours each and a minimum of a one year commitment.
*When applying for one-to-one mentorship, a mentee must be between the ages of 6 and 13 years.

In-School Mentoring
In-School Mentoring matches an adult mentor with a child from Kindergarten to grade 8 to spend one hour a week on a one-to-one basis in the school setting for the duration of the school year. This program gives children who face challenges in the school setting, the chance to develop social and emotional skills, confidence and self-esteem, an improved attitude towards school, and improved school attendance.

virtual mentoring
Virtual Mentoring provides children and youth in grades 1- 8 with a supportive, caring, trusted adult mentor who will meet with the child once a week for up to one hour. This program promotes positive social and emotional skills while fostering a positive relationship through conversation and fun virtual activities. The mentor is not a tutor, but rather another adult in their lives they can share their experiences with.
Group Programming

The Little Studio engages children and youth ages 9-14 who can benefit from group mentorship and expression through the arts. The Little Studio provides weekly discussions and arts-based activities with the goal of enhancing social connectedness, self-reflection, communication, coping skills, and self-confidence.

Power Play offers youth ages 10-15 with a positive environment to take part in weekly group sports activities (ie. yoga, soccer, basketball, etc.). Each week BBBS Mentors and Certified Instructors deliver sport activities and skill development, discussions on topics to promote a healthy lifestyle and mental health and well-being.

Switch Gears is a group program for male youth, ages 10-14, to develop positive and healthy emotional and mental health with a focus on healthy masculinities. Switch Gears promotes community and personal safety and positive relationships for young men.

Go Girls! engages girls ages 11-14 and focuses on physical activity, healthy eating, and positive social and emotional development in a group setting. The single, most important goal of the program is to positively shape the lives of young women and girls by helping them build a positive self-image – setting them on a path to reach their full potential in life.